man who inveted urbex

Who Invented Urban Exploring?

While exploring has been around for millions of years, there are a few people who claim to have invented urban exploring. Have you ever wondered who invented urban exploring? Good news, we searched the internet, the archives, and ancient sewer tablets and have finally discovered exactly who invented urban exploration. Bill Finan invented urban exploring…


Cheshire Ohio – The Cursed Ohio Ghost Town That Was Stolen Twice

As I arrived in Cheshire Ohio a bit past 12am, the entire world seemed to stand still. The land itself had an ominous feeling. It almost felt cursed. Massive cooling towers pumped starch white smoke into the night sky, and the crackling and humming of high voltage power lines pulsated in the distance. Homes without…

urban explorers

How To Urban Explore: The Ultimate Guide To Urban Exploration

Police call it trespassing, moms call it dangerous, Instagram calls it urbex, I just call it exploring. I’ll do my best in this article to teach you how to urban explore, in what I consider, the right way. I’ve been fascinated by the stories abandoned building can tell, and have been photographing the decay for…

abandoned creepy hospital

Why Are Abandoned Places Creepy?

What draws us to abandoned places, and why do we find them creepy? Not everyone thinks vacant buildings are scary, I personally find being alone in them to be relaxing and interesting. But I might not represent the majority. Abandoned buildings are creepy because there is a fear of uncertainty. There is no immediate present…

abandoned home in mountains

Why Do Abandoned Buildings Decay?

Abandoned buildings decay at different rates for a number of different reasons. Buildings fall apart at different rates depending on what environment they’re exposed to. In this article we’ll explore why abandoned buildings decay, and what causes them to rot. Abandoned buildings decay due to damage caused by the environment over time. This can include…

Why Are Abandoned Places Guarded?

Why Are Abandoned Places Guarded?

Ever see security guards or police at abandoned places and wonder what they’re doing there? Why would someone invest time and money into guarding something that is clearly abandoned and forgotten? Why are abandoned places even guarded? In short, property owners want to do two things. Prevent themselves from being liable if anyone gets hurt…


Should You Carry A Weapon While Urban Exploring?

Urban exploring can be a dangerous hobby. Many people wonder if they should carry a weapon while urban exploring. While carrying a traditional weapon may make you feel safer, it actually opens you up to a whole host of other problems. In short, you should not carry a weapon while urban exploring. When you carry…

The Best Way To Get Permission To Go Into Abandoned Buildings

The Best Way To Get Permission To Go Into Abandoned Buildings

Exploring abandoned places can be fun for a number of reasons. I personally get a rush when discovering a new location for the first time, or finally getting into a high risk place that is off-limits. But there are times where I want to just photograph in peace without having to worry about the police…